Internet System Security All Program List in java and C

Posted by Parth Makadiya on 09:56:00 with 1 comment
Hello Friends,
               Now a Days Security is a Major concern to every Organization.So The CE-IT Guys needs to be aware of some encryption and decryption algorithms .So we have created the list of Algorithms so that you can Learn them and use as a reference . We will try to provide technique how this algorithms work but later.Just Try to understand these .And Give us feedback if you need any help then also ask in comment .

Encryption And Decryption using these Algorithms

1.Ceasar Cipher                                 C | JAVA
2.Variable  Ceasar Cipher                  C | JAVA
3.Brute Force Ceasar Cipher             C | JAVA
4.Monoalphabetic cipher                    C | JAVA
5.Polyalphabetic cipher                      C | JAVA 
6.One time Pad                                  C | JAVA
7.Hill Cipher                                        C | JAVA
8.Playfair Cipher                                 C | JAVA
9.Raailfence cipher                             C | JAVA
10.Colamnar Transposition                 C | JAVA
11.GCD using euclidian algo               C | JAVA
12.Affine Cipher                                   C | JAVA
13.Diffie hellman keyexchange            C | JAVA
14.Test Prime number using fermat     C | JAVA
15.Prime no using Miller Rabin            C | JAVA
16.RSA algorithm                                 C | JAVA

All Alogorith Combined Pack Download Link Here:-


List :-

  • Write a program to perform encryption and decryption using Caesar cipher algorithm. (Details about Algorithm)
  • Write a program to perform encryption and decryption using variable Caesar cipher algorithm (With file handling functions).
  • Write a program to find plain text messages and key information corresponds to following cipher text messages using brute-force technique on Caesar cipher.
  • Write a program to perform encryption and decryption using Monoalphabetic Cipher Technique.
  • Write a program to perform encryption and decryption using Polyalphabetic Cipher (Vigenere Cipher) Technique.
  • Write a program to perform encryption and decryption using One Time Pad Algorithm.
  • Write a program to perform encryption and decryption using Hill Cipher Technique.
  • Write a program to perform encryption and decryption using Playfair Cipher Technique.
  • Write a program to perform encryption and decryption using Rail fence Cipher Technique.    
  • Write a program to perform encryption and decryption using Columnar transposition algorithm.
  • Write a function to find out GCD using Euclidean algorithm & multiplicative inverse using Extended Euclidean algorithm.
  • Write a program to perform encryption and decryption using Affine cipher algorithm. Algorithm
  • Write a program to perform Diffie hellman key Exchange and perform caeser cipher algorithm.
  • Write a program to test prime number using fermat's Theorem. (Manual)
  • Write a program to test prime number using Miller Rabin Therem.
  • Write a program to perform encryption and decryption using RSA algorithm.